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Finding Manuals and Schematics

The Technophool page  links checked  19 Apr 07

Some retro-tech articles on this site:

1922 booklet on Armstrong's superregenerative radio circuit      Thanks to Larry Fowkes
1931 Service info from the Radio Television Institute   (separate page)   Thanks to Danny Gay
1934 Thordarson Sound Amplifier Manual                         Thanks to Bill Pulhamus for these
1934 Thordarson Catalog 341 - Replacement Transfomers
1935 Amertran (American Transformer) catalog
1935 Thordarson Radio Servicemen's Guide
1935 Thordarson Transmitter Guide
1937 Thordarson Sound Amplifier Manual
1937 Thordarson Servicemen's Guide                    (Lindsay Books has reprinted several of these)
1938 Thordarson Radio Service Guide  (DjVu format - see Home page)
1938/39 Thordarson Catalog 400C
1938 Gernsback booklet: "4 Shortwave Sets by W. C. Doerle" 3.7 mb pdf   1.9 MB DjVu  (Thanks John!)
1941 Thordarson Sound Amplifier Manual 346D - DjVu format
1941 Thordarson Tru-Fidelity Transformer Catalog 500FX - DjVu format
A few '30s - '40s Philco Service Bulletins (separate page) - DjVu format
40s-50s data sheets from Utah Transfomer and Thordarson (universal series)
1946 RMA (later to be EIA) code list - Thanks to Larry Long - his radio data page
1947 Thordarson transformer Catalog 400G - DjVu format
1947 article on Triplett 2413 (most emission tube testers are similar)     Thanks to Jimmie Stewart
1949 article by Frank McIntosh introducing his "unity coupled" amplifier  - also thanks to Bill Pulhamus
1953 RTMA (later EIA) code list from Sams - 4.5 MB PDF   200K DjVu
The 1953 Radio's Master catalog had these pages from Freed, Kenyon, Peerless, and a few HiFi pages
1954 paper by A.B. Bereskin on building a high quality amplifier, with details on transformer design
1955 article by A. B. Bereskin on building a 3000 watt amplifier  - Thanks to Caryl Pierson for these
1955 article on Stereophonic sound from Popular Electronics, and another on How Tuning Eye tubes Work
1956 article from Radio Electronics on Hi Fi Amplifier Output stages
1957 list of EIA codes from Sams  - numeric list in DjVu format (better scans below)
1957 RCA COLOR TV brochure - DjVu format
Some 1950's hi fi scans
1958 Concord catalog  Hi Fi pages Radios, etc.  (Multiply prices x 5 for today's equivalent)  DjVu format
1958 application notes on using a sine-square generator from Precision (DjVu format)
1959 list of EIA manufacturer codes from Sams Photofacts - DjVu - ZIP - .gif - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
1959 Mullard booklet on building a 2W stereo amp - thanks to Dennis Grimwood (DjVu)
1961 list of EIA codes from Sams - 5.5 MB PDF
1962 list of EIA codes from Sams - 300K DjVu   2 MB PDF
1964 article on estimating ratings of unknown transformers  12  (thanks to Alan Douglas)
1994 (reprint) article on measuring unknown filter chokes from Sound Practices:  12
1994 EIA code list  3.5 MB PDF - thanks to Dave Levasseur
More transformer catalogs (thanks to Pat Jankowiak), all in DjVu format:
Merit 1951, Triad 1952 (partial), Stancor 1954, UTC 1960, Stancor 1966, Triad 1971 (partial)
...and more:  Chicago Transformer 1958, and Centralab (includes those pesky PECs or couplates)
...found at a hamfest: Kenyon Transformer 1940 and Stancor 1951 - and UTC Terminal Arrangements
...and Clarostat 1946

Schematic Links on theWeb:

Tech Info at Aiken Amps (not just for guitar amps...)
Vintage tube amp schematics at AmpsLab
Andrea Ciuffoli - Audio
Steve Bench  has a site with some unorthodox circuits - now gone - here's a copy.
Bob Casey's Old Radio Page
Eico Audio Components - gone - try the Wayback Machine
Glowbugs, more Glowbugs, a favorite glowbug (haven't built it yet...), one I DID build 35 years ago
Ham Radio manuals online (archive)
More Ham Radio, CB, Russian tubes
Heathkit Circuit Archive-  GONE... some still on the Wayback Machine  but here it is revived!
Heath, Knight, Eico and more at Kit Central
Marantz schematics -(now gone! but Archive)
Norman Koren has written an interesting page on amplifier design
Fred Nachbauer  "mad retro techie" is gone, but I am glad I knew him.
Luca Rossi has many European schematics on line...  Parlate italiano?

Not Schematics but...

The EIA's Source Code lists
Audio Basics newsletters from Van Alstine
An archive of Patrick Turner Audio, may he rest in peace
A few old transformer catalogs from Pat J.  - are BACK at the Bunker of Doom!
More transformer catalogs from Pete Millett, and a few reference books too
Mmmm... Donuts!  Plitron has several articles on toroid transformers for audio
TubeCad Journal
Amateur Radio Technical links
Project Gutenberg has reproduced the 1922 Radio Amateur's Handbook (and others - search on "radio")
Literature Archives at Pearl Hifi
Let's Talk Speakers! at Weber Speakers
Vintage radio ads - check 1930 tube prices...
Audio Projects series at Audio Express
Boatanchors - some links for those old SW and Ham clunkers...
Allied Electronics Databook from 1966 (see below for tube substitutions...)
Audio manuals at HiFi Engine
Hi-Fi Literature - ads from '40s to '60s (and check "MAD looks at Hi-Fi")
Crystal Radios at MakeaRadio.com
For more on crystal radios, stay tuned...
Philco radio, more Philco, Zenith (30's...)
Atwater Kent.. can't forget Crosley
Classic audio: McIntosh, H.H. ScottMarantz, Sansui, JBL/Altec, Fisher consoles
Vintage Technics, classic Speakers, FM Tuners, Dual turntables, Voice of MusicAR turntables
An hp Museum, the hp Archive
Stereo Manuals and more
Jim McShane is THE expert on Harman Kardon Citation tube amplifiers
Antique Radios - forum, articles, classifieds, links
Find radio stations by location, call letters, or format at radio-locator - coverage maps too!
Retro Thing - vintage and retro-tech

Vacuum Tube Data:

Amperite current regulators 1, 2, 3, 4     (Thanks to John Stewart)
The Obsolete and Seldom Used list from the 1946 Sylvania data book
My list of similar and equivalent tubes with different bases 
A list of  tube introduction dates which might help in dating an old radio (Thanks to Ken Owens)
1928 Price list for RCA tubes (multiply x 10 for today's equivalent)
1945 Sylvania Aids to Wartime Servicing (tube substitutes)
1945 Sylvania Tube Characteristics booklet
1946 Clarostat Ballast tubes
1946 articles from Sylvania News (thanks to Bas Horneman):
    VR Tubes 1, 2  Plate Ratings  1, 2  Grid Emission 1, 2  Filament Failure  1, 2
1953 Sylvania Tube Substitution booklet
1954 Sylvania Transmitting Tubes booklet
1963 RCA Industrial Nuvistors booklet
1969 RCA Industrial tube booklet

Vacuum Tube Data on the web:

From the Allied 1966 Electronics Databook - tube substitutions:
0A2-, 2ER5-, 3W4-,5DH8-, 6AT6-, 6BM5-, 6CU6-, 6GK5-, 6L5-, 7DJ8-, 11KV8-, 12CA5-, 17D4-, 35C5-
  Foreign -> American: 1H33-, D77-, EF812-, PM07-
  and American -> Foreign: 0A2-, 4ES8-, 6BD7-, 6EL7-, 8A8-, 16GK8-
Tube books at Archgive.org
Duncan Amps  Tube data search, design software, schematics...
Tube Classics has data on European audio tubes
NJ7P Tube Search  A LONG list of tubes with basic data, pinouts, substitutes...
Pete Millett's HB-3  Over a thousand RCA data sheets - more tube manuals too
Frank Philipse  Electron Tube pages - over 20,000 tube numbers!
Nostalgia Air  Tube Substitutions
VT52 - audio
Roehrentabellen (German for "Tube Tables") - in English too
DrTube Audio tube data
Amperex 1963 condensed catalog
1933 RCA tube manual (8 MB pdf file), 1937 RCA tube manual (15 MB pdf)
Sylvania 1943, 1949 and 1959, RCA RC-25 (1966) and TT-3 and TT-4 - all at the Bunker of Doom
Mike's Electric Stuff - Nixies, many REALLY weird tubes
UK National Valve Musem ...basic data for many tubes
Tuning Eye Tubes...  (in German, it's "Magishe Augen") ...and more tuning eyes...
More on Russian tubes in German, though... translate with Google or Babelfish
Here are some tube data and curves...
12V "Space charge" tubes
EIA manufacturer codes, Philips Codes
Data on grounded plate operation of 6AU6 - thanks to Ray Moth

Tube manufacturers / sellers (with data online)

Svetlana US is GONE but check the Wayback Machine -  Tube list    Tech notes
JJ Electronic
Eimac Transmitting Tubes
Ask Jan First has Infozone - including this neon glow lamp manual
Tube Tidbits from Vacuum Tubes Inc.
Vintage Components, in the UK
Vintage Tube Services has started a history of tube makers
For Western Electric tube data, go to the source...
Triode Electronics  Tube data page
Ned's new site has Tube data too...
Nixie tube data at Sphere

Other technophools...

Tube Audio forum... another forum... another
Now THIS is a power tube!
High-speed photography at Liquid Sculpture
Where's Waldo?  At the Silicon Zoo!
Technofossils!  OK, historic scientific apparatus...
The Steampunk Workshop
How to make... stuff at Instructables and Hacked Gadgets
"Spread Spectrum" radio stems from this 1941 patent.  You may have heard of the Inventor...
Arthur C.Clarke proposed communications satellites in geostationary orbit in 1945
As for inventors, Edwin H. Armstrong rates right up there... his 1936 paper on FM radio
Remember Popular Electronics Magazine? You'll remember Don Lancaster!
Dave's Homemade Radios - more homemade radios at Sparkbench
Now HERE is a radio collection - Radiotiques
And Radiola Guy !
Bob Pease was Staff Scientist at National Semi.  His columns in Electronic Design were great!
Here's an interesting collection
The Valve Page
A collection of Radio Direction Finders
The web page of... Philco Grump
And heeere's Triode Guy!
Thermionic madness at Tubelab
A page devoted to the Knight-Kit Wireless Broacaster
Broadcasting From the Home! at SMECC
More DIY devices - Instruments of Amplification
More things that glow: Neon UniversityKilokat's Antique Light BulbsXenon flash tubes
Before there was a 555 timer... there was the lowly neon bulb...
The transistor is now over 50 years old - history at the Transistor Museum.
Obsolete calculators, computers, semiconductors... at Decode Systems
Maybe you need Proximity fuzes
Build your own laser
DON'T try this at home (but if you do, I want to watch...) Teslamania!
Fun With Tubes - just what it says....
The Tube Lust page at Enjoy the Music
World Tube Audio Portal - links to everywhere
A site dedicated to my favorite science fiction writer, Robert A. Heinlein
Boozhound Labs ... well, hard to explain...
What to do with those useless TV Tubes...
All you geetar pickers need one of these here geetar tunas...
Data sheets for the Belchfire 6000SUX, the Umac 606, and Signetics Write-Only-Memory 1, 2
Light emitting Vegetables ... and Kimchee
Pay attention, because It's the Law!

Home  Audiophool Radiophool Technophool Made in Rochester

Finding Manuals and Schematics